I Know My Strengths.

“Girls walk neck and neck with boys.”

People say in today’s generation we girls walk neck and neck with boys. Means we are as capable as boys in every situation, really? Are we? Yeah, we are equal in terms of brains but in physical strength boys do have more strength than girls. Some girls may get offend by this statement but this is just my opinion.

When a mother gives birth to a child, whether to her own child or being surrogate for any other mother, she does that with all the selflessness, she is never selfish in carrying a baby for 9 months in her tummy, in facing all the mood swings, do not even think about her body or figure, and the labor pain that feels like breaking 206 bones in a human body. And to add cherry on our cake we get periods every month, all the pain, irritating of sanitary pads and the mood swings. Can a boy even imagine how it feel likes? Or how would it feel like whenever we are planning for a trip or there is any marriage or any occasion we have to think about ours periods first? Women are beautiful from their heart they are not rude and mean like boys, never could ever a boy would go through all these for giving birth to a new person.

Ladies we don’t want equality we need equity. We are not made for proving our strengths with these boys we are soft, delightful, sensitive and emotional.

We are not like them and don’t even want to be like them, we don’t need to be like them, I am not saying that we should stay at home and take care of children and just cook, No, do the things you love either it’s about wrestling or about gym we girls can do anything we want but do not compare your strength with boys. We have our own powers that a boy can never have.

And this is my opinion may be yours is different, just let me know what you think about it.

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